The following Resources are available for your use FREE of charge and without obligation at each BEST Office:

Job Board: Access to local newspapers are available. You may also review current job postings from local employers.

Internet Access: In the resource room you may access the Internet to conduct your job search. A listing of job and career related sites is posted for your convenience. Instructions on how to access the Internet are available and staff will assist you if you need additional help.

Job Search Assistance: Information packets, books, videos, and software programs are available to assist you in completing applications, interviewing, resume writing and tips on conducting a successful job search. We also offer group and individual workshops.

Labor Market and Career Information: Learn what jobs are available in the local area as well as job growth trends and forecasts.

Illinois Job Link: Illinois JobLink is an Internet-based job search tool that features current job openings. Illinois JobLink searches for open jobs by Job category. Both statewide and nationwide job banks are included.

Illinois workNet (IWN) – Available 24/7 at IWN provides assistance and information about career planning, college admission, financial aid, education/training options, job search and other services.